Sunday, August 16, 2015

Our Pressure is Working

Pushing Forward in Ferguson

Our pressure is working. In backlashes of killing of unarmed men and women by police that has sent shock waves through the world, 1,000's of us, activist and protesters have pledged to continue fighting for justice -  equality that is leading us to life lasting change.

In Ferguson Missouri, life of Black Lives Matter, residents, activists and protesters have opposed the city council and mayor hiring of the current city manger and chief of police. So far—City Officials are feeling the heat.

Activists and residents in Ferguson is still fighting to get Ferguson mayor James Knowles kicked out of office. Hiring of the two African Americans, city manager and chief of police was a unique idea by mayor Knowles to get support from the African American community of Ferguson. Since we have filed a lawsuit asking the court to order the City of Ferguson to immediately certify our recall petition Knowles has been quietly reaching out to dozens to explain his decisions and get them to join his side and support him. We are winning!! But now, we need to pay our attorneys that's fighting this for us. Can you chip in to help us pay our attorney? Yes, I'll chip in

The world is watching what happens next with the recall and oust of Ferguson mayor and his new appointees. They're trying to figure out what has really changed after the one year murder of Mike Brown by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson. So this is the moment for us to double down.

Can you chip in to help buy literature to mail to Ferguson residents explaining our contentions, platforms and buy billboards in Ferguson calling out Mayor Knowles to resign.

Yes, I'll chip in

Ferguson Activists and Residents lawsuit in court ordering that their recall petition be certified

The board of elections reply to petition 

The City of Ferguson reply 

This motion filed by the City of Ferguson is frivolous. I don't know what the attorney motive(s) was in regards to filing this motion to dismiss count 2 of our petition.

In regards to count 2 of our petition, if the City of Ferguson win on count 1, which I don't think they will, count 2 is automaticlly dismissed. So there was no need to file a motion to dismiss count 2.

When we win on count 1, the court will automatically grant count 2.

For these reasons stated above, it's my conclusion that the City of Ferguson understand that they will not win on count 1. So they are now preparing for count 2.

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