All Ferguson Tickets Should Be Abolished
Ferguson is painting a false picture as if they are trying to gain trust in the community with the recall of arrest warrants-court order issued by City of Ferguson Judge attached.
Before the City of Ferguson took the initiative to recall warrants other towns had already started. Kirkwood MO. to be in compliance with Missouri New State Law, Senate Bill, that's takes effect August 28, 2015.
Stltoday, talks more about the Senate Bill
Stltoday, talks more about the Senate Bill
As of today, the City of Jennings Missouri, has agreed to abolish ticket in parallel with the new Senate Bill.
After the unrest in Ferguson 2014, the City of St. Louis, Missouri abolished tickets. Forgiving these ticket was a way for them to try and regain trust in the community.
Ferguson Missouri is the center of attention here. According to the Department of Justice, Ferguson Court Clerk, Prosecutor (Stephanie Karr), Judge and Mayor was involved in voiding tickets for each other and their family and friends.
Prosecutor Stephanie Karr, was even accused of misconduct, and is still working for the City of Ferguson after others accused resigned.
Capt. Rick Henke and Sgt. William Mudd
Chief of Police Thomas Jackson
Court Clerk
The DOJ Ferguson Report also pointed out that the City of Ferguson was bias among African Americans and violating their constitutional right. Giving them tickets for things such as "talking back." "Talking Back To Police." As President Obama said: "we don't need a Ferguson report to see that."
Like the City of Jennings and St. Louis City, Mo, these tickets not only need to be recalled, but abolished. This would be a step in the right direction for leaders of Ferguson!
Ferguson officials have a track record of voiding-abolishing tickets for themselves, family and friends. But, when it comes to the poor people of Ferguson who has received tickets though way of the predator type of law enforcement in Ferguson, Ferguson feels those people are criminal and should be held accountable. Unlike their family and friend who received legitimate tickets and wasn't prayed upon.
Ferguson officials have a track record of voiding-abolishing tickets for themselves, family and friends. But, when it comes to the poor people of Ferguson who has received tickets though way of the predator type of law enforcement in Ferguson, Ferguson feels those people are criminal and should be held accountable. Unlike their family and friend who received legitimate tickets and wasn't prayed upon.
The final steps in the right direction world be to give the boot to the final regime of the predators in the Ferguson DOJ Report, Prosecutor, Stephanie Karr and Mayor, James Knowles. Can you chip in to help our effort in Ferguson Missouri Mayor recall process. We have a pending lawsuit in court asking the court to order the City of Ferguson to certify our recall petition. Yes, I'll chip in
Here are the latest documents we filed in court in pursuit of recalling-ousting Ferguson mayor
Here are the latest documents we filed in court in pursuit of recalling-ousting Ferguson mayor
Autonomy is not a Black value?